From the category special friends and their talents, i would like to present to you Maria F.
She is a sweet young girl who likes to sing (especially folk music)- she has a very beautiful voice, to draw (she's a becoming architect) and to go wild in the nature (mountaineering, climbing, etc.).
She also is a songwriter, for example, she wrote the anthem for Pasi Marunti (eng. small steps) mountain club (I'm a proud member also):
* Folk Concert in Brasov City
Another beautiful songs (one of her favorite Siciliana by Tatiana Stepa) :
* Folk Concert in Bucharest, Fire club
*All rights reserved
Photographer: Me
Model: Maria F. , violinist : Alin D.
Videos: Youtube , made by Luin
Seychelles by Drone: Mahe, Praslin, La Digue
Acum 2 săptămâni
Sal'tare! Cum ti-ai revenit dupa voleiul nebun din Vama?
RăspundețiȘtergere"Este unii dom'le, care considera jumatate de ora de dat cu mana aiurea in minge(ca ala nu s-o chemat volei) drept un efort extraordinar:))"
Hmmm, eu observ ca tu ai vazut ca nu-ti merge cu voleiul si te-ai apucat de promovat talente;)(serios acum, chiar e talentata Maria, felicitari si pe calea asta!)
Ne vedem pe vre-un munte! ;)
How refreshingly promising to see such life being possible. Much respect for this entry. Please have a great start into the new week.
RăspundețiȘtergeredaily athens
@ρομπερτ: Thank You sir! Have a nice week too
RăspundețiȘtergere@bogretzu: Merci Bogdan...dar nu am obosit la volei:))! Take care..and we sure do:))
Brasov loves Maria:D especially me...
RăspundețiȘtergereWell when Bucharest will love you?:))