duminică, 30 mai 2010

ode to my state of...

Sunday, sunday afternoon...
I'm sitting in my room, staring at the window...I feel hyperactive but something is dragging me away from running wild, maybe that lousy project, maybe something else.
I rather do anything else than study.

Happy, happiness feeling...
But flavored with spicy sadness, as usual...I hate myself for that, i think i think too much, i'm dreaming too much...I hate myself for being a dreamer... Happiness provider...lost and found, and again lost...and again found.

Rain, rainy evening....
Hope so... Like yesterday, i hope it will rain again, and again....

Searching in the old corners of my life, finding pieces of my soul poured into pictures, old and new, with people that i know, that i loved or... Just memories, memories for the present, past, future...i feel dead-alive.

Wish you were here....

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds
Strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy...happy
I lay my head onto the sand
The sky resembles a back lit canopy
With holes punched in it
I'm counting UFOs
I signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy...happy
wish you were here....

Very old pics...taken faraway from here...faraway from..
*all rights reserved
Photographer: me

marți, 25 mai 2010

Special people and their talents : Anna- part1

I do have special friends, and i want to show them to the world, especially their talents. So, i've decided that, at every two week, to post some of their artwork on my blog.

The pioneer is Anna , a beautiful, smart and sweet girl, with many talents like: singing, drawing, writing, making people feeling happy, and modeling (she's a great model also: for example http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-images-girl-thinking-image12150704 )

First, i shall post some of her drawings:    THE WONDERER...

You say black I say white...

*All rights reserved

Author: Ana Ilincai.
For further details please go visit her at: http://amidorulet.wordpress.com/
and also at: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000883825113&ref=ts

marți, 18 mai 2010

I caught myself...

I feel like i caught myself again...
 You got it, you got it
Some kind of magic
Hypnotic, hypnotic
You're leaving me breathless...

And i caught myself...

I hate this, I hate this...

*All rights reserved
Photographer: Darius C.

joi, 13 mai 2010


Ma tii de mana...

Ne plimbam, te uiti in ochii mei, imi zambesti. Vantul imi mangaie parul, ma uit in zare, nori negrii, se anunta furtuna: parca visez.
Suntem doar noi, lumea-i undeva, ca sa fie, marea e si ea p'acolo, ii zambeste muntelui... Totul se rezuma la... o picatura de ploaie se zdrobeste peste mainile noastre, inca una... inca una, din ce in ce mai repede...Un fulger strabate orizontul, imi cutremura sufletul, imi hraneste fericirea...
Vantul ne indeamna sa marim pasul, alergam... Brusc te opresti, ma iei in brate...iubirea noastra se rasfrange in fiecare strop de ploaie, suntem pretutindeni.

E furtuna...
Fugim ca doi nebuni izgoniti din paradis...Copacii sunt strajerii linistii noastre, acum par razvratiti.

Ma uit la tine, iti strang mana, nu vreau sa pleci...Ajungem undeva...Sunt fericita...

Ploaia sa oprit, lumea asta nebuna s-a terminat, iar eu ca de obicei...

Am visat.

Ma intorc in lumea mea... Astept sa ploua, iar...

*All rights reserved
Very old pics...
*Photographer: me

Romania, simple as it is...

sâmbătă, 8 mai 2010

into your light

I've heard your song
And I've seen the light
In your eyes and it
Took me so long to see
Straight through the night
And through you
 You're the depths of my own kind
And you're the heights of my creation
Wait for me, wait for me
 Alone but strong when you're in my sight
Your love hit me like a stroke
Take me with you
Take me with you
 I've taken this step
And we're intimate now and I am
I am joining your world
A formation of love and you shine
Through me
Take me to that place
Where I feel so safe
Into your light I dive
 Into your light
Enter my mind

Mermaid medium of light
For the morning that comes
For the orchid that grows
Love me against all odds
You defeated the doubt
That was stuck inside me
Take me to that place
Where I feel so safe
Into your light I dive

Into your light I dive

Take me to that place
Where I feel so safe
Into your light I dive

*All rights reserved
Models: Alice D., Marius T.
Photographer: me

joi, 6 mai 2010

vara asta...

M-am saturat de patul meu de-acasa
Cearceafurile nu mai imi zambesc
Aceleasi haine zac tacut pe masa
Si parca-mi spun ca nici nu mai traiesc

Si-atunci ies afara, e vant si este vara
Si ceru-mi spune: "Fugi, ca eu platesc!"
Ma intorc la tine, iau doi blugi cu mine
Si-ti zambesc:

Vara asta am sa ma-ndragostesc
Vara asta am sa ma-ndragostesc
Vara asta am sa ma-ndragostesc de tine
Acuma stiu ca marea ma asteapta...
Nisipul ma va saruta si el
O scoica o sa ma zgarie in mana dreapta
Algele o sa ma zgarie nitel
Si iar e vant afara si marea o sa ma doara
Si-un val o sa ma arunce in cortul lui
O sa innebunim si sarea o s-o topim
Intr-un sarut

Acuma tin o bere-n mana si o beau
In stanga mea conduce cineva
Ma-ntorc la tine beat dupa o luna
Cu marea-n suflet si cu scoica mea

Stiu c-ai sa ma certi
Si-apoi c-ai sa ma ierti
Caci vantul e prietenul tau bun
Si mai e ceva....
Tu stii ca iarna tu esti marea mea.


*All rights reserved
Photographer: me
very old pics..

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