joi, 30 septembrie 2010

Rustica Puella

Corvus Corax - Rustica Puella

Exiit diluculo
rustica puella
cum grege, cum baculo,
cum lana novella.

Sunt in grege parvulo
ovis et astella,
vitula cum vitulo,
caper et capella

Conspexit in cespite
"Quid tu facis, domine?"
scolarem sedere
"Veni mecum ludere!"

Sunt in grege parvulo
ovis et astella,
vitula cum vitulo,
caper et capella.

Conspexit in cespite
scolarem sedere
"Quid tu facis, domine?"
Veni mecum ludere!"

*All rights reserved
Photographer: me
Model: Luchiana
Tools: Canon EOS 450D + 18-55mm

sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

Trying to fly...

Foo Fighters - A320

There is a place I'd love to go
Strangers takin' me there
I dream about the day I learn to fly

I'm afraid of aeroplanes
Even though I like the way
It feels to be a person in the sky

It's alright
and it's good
this time

I look out and on the ground
really don't believe it
gravity can pull me from this height

One day we'll come crashing down
What will I do
Never had a chance to say goodbye

Close my eyes and hope that it's
a real smooth flight
this time
Close my eyes and hope that it's
a real smooth flight

And it's good
this time

I look down and on the ground
I look down and on the ground
I look down and on the ground
I look out, we're going down

*All rights reserved
Photographer: me
Model: Blue-green eyed girl, Alexandra & Marius T.
Tools: Canon EOS 5D Mark ii

marți, 21 septembrie 2010

Return to innocence

Enigma - Return to Innocence

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence

Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny

Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way

Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence

Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way

Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence.

If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

And the time will stop for you, for us... Will feel love.

*All rights reserved
Photographer: me
Models: me & my lovely friends Cristina, Crisa, Anna, Mada & Smi
Tools: Canon S3IS, Canon EOS 450D, Canon EOS 5D Mark ii

miercuri, 15 septembrie 2010

Soul's weight

Rustin Parr - Lost Souls

How much does a soul weigh?...

Some people say 7 pounds...


*All rights reserved
Photographer: me

miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010

The end...

I'm sick of me, of the old me...I'm not a loser, I'm a winner...This is how it supposed to be...I just want me. This time the universe will be mine, he will do whatever i want to...
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

After all, the end is the man best friend...All things come to an end...Everything has an end, everything has to end somewhere. 

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again 

I just wanted to live my never-ending story, made with sweet dreams, love and trust... Useless. So, this is the end of my expectations, I shall build another ones...
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land 

I  broke this picture, i chased away my dreams... 
This is the end of my spirit's journey. He rested here for a while, believing that he finally found happiness, love, harmony...But he's wrong, he found just wisdom... A great treasure, I'd say... But this is not enough...he just wants to be free, free to love, to feel, to scream, to laugh to hate... free to do anything.  He wants to share his selfishness in  two. As a result, every end has a beginning...

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah 

My innocence, apparently was killed, you took it away, but I'm waiting for the summer rain, she'll wash away my pain, my bad thoughts, my love... Let the storm begin, feel my wrath... The last feeling of madness, paranoia. My life is too short to be like that...

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby 

All I wanted was... I found what I was searching for, but it was too good to be true, is all in my head...I hate this.

Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold 

I was caught by some feelings, by lust, purity, innocence, by the temptation of being with you... I'm poisoned again...

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest  
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill 

Go there...but don't kill my soul, my dreams, my hopes...

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

I don't want to look in the past anymore, because i'll miss the essence of life. What's done is done, i'll leave it alone, i won't regret it... 

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die 

I just wanted to make you smile, to make me smile...

This is the end 

I'll leave this place, I'll go faraway from you, faraway from here, into a place that you can't find me... faraway from everything. Because this time is all about me... All I want is to be alone for a while, to discover myself, because it hurt too much...I've suffered enough...Loneliness is my only confident now... I just don't wanna lose you, because is too good to be true...

This is the end of myself, I'll give birth to a new me, same old new me... I won't look back, there's  a single today, the rest, is past... I shall go with the wind...

I found my happiness provider, i won't let it go... 

*All rights reserved
Photographers: me for the pics 3,4,5
                           Darius C. for the 1st picture
                           Alex B. for pictures 6,7 
All the pics are edited by me

sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2010

In Piatra Craiului pornit-am iara...

Pentru ca jegul de Bucuresti era si este  prea plictisitor, ne-am mobilizat intr-o miscare de rezistenta si am pornit cu Pasi Marunti pentru a n-sprezecea oara inspre muntele meu de suflet, Craiul...
Am plecat de vineri dupa-amiaza din Bucuresti, cu popas de cateva ore prin Ploiesti, dupa care am ponit la drum catre Brasov, Andra, Fofix si, bineinteles eu, cu viteza melcului turbat...
Pe la 8 seara, am ajuns la Fantana lui Botorog, unde ne asteptau Cristi si Varu'.Catinel, catinel am inceput sa urcam, unii mai cu teama de intuneric, altii cu chef de vorba...
Si cum imi place sa fac chestii pentru prima oara, de data asta am mers pe traseu noaptea, in padure, in Crai, fara frontala... A fost superb, nu mai vazusem asa ceva, din pacate nu am avut timp sa fac pozne, pentru ca cineva manca pamantul...:) si din pacate,  graba mi-a cauzat ditamai ranile la calcai...
Pe la ora 10 ajungem la Curmi, eu, bineinteles, facand un popas la refugiul salvamont pentru bandajare, dat cu tinctura de iod...
 Suntem intampinati de Garfield-ul mioritic aka Bufnitoaia, de Sirra, de Cretzu', Mari si Ioana. Unii papa m&m, altii un ardei gras, altii o zacusca... Ne intindem la un pahar de vorba, mai o Unirea cu Cola, mai un ras...un foc de tabara...stele...un oftat adanc, un zambet pierdut...
Punem ceasul sa sune, ne trezim la 7.30. Unii se grabesc tare sa-si traiasca viata,au ceasul tatuat pe retina, inghitim cu noduri, mancam la repezeala, si pornim catre Turnuri, eu mai greu, ranile s-au accentuat...
Piatra Mare in zare...
Ioana se pregateste sa-si infrunte frica de inaltime...
Andra sta cuminte-n iarba...

Fof se gandeste la nemurirea sufletului...sau...

Mari flirteaza cu iubitu'...:))

Si urmam, in continuare, bulinutza rosie...

Din categoria in jurul meu se lasa ceata groasa....norisorii ce pluteau deasupra noastra nu prea pareau prietenosi, dar in schimb, mi-au gadilat ochii si incalzit sufletelul....

Si inaintam cu pasi marunti, mai saltareti...mai tematori...fiecare dupa posibilitati...

Ciobanasului ii place sus la munte...Si lui Cretz :P

Iar eu aleg sa raman singura pe creasta, nu puteam sa merg, ma dureau ingrozitor de tare ranile...
La Refugiul Ascutit, ni se face o surpriza...Coiotu' si Jeleu au venit dupa noi...Multumesc baieti (mai ales lui Coiotu) pentru ca m-ati asteptat...
Dupa o comuniune foarte stransa cu natura, cu gandurile mele, am ajuns la Vf. La Om...Priveam in neant, iar mintea si sufletul meu fugeau departe...departe.
Am vrut sa renunt...dar mi-am amintit ca eu nu sunt asa, intotdeauna am luptat...cum sa o fac tocmai acum??
 Mereu ma intreb de ce, ce caut eu aici...iar raspunsul il voi gasi mereu in tine, in floarea ta de colt, in fiecare colt de iarba al existentei tale, in fiecare adiere, nor, raza de soare...

Am avut, pentru o clipa, lumea la picioarele mele...
Am ajuns la Grind 2, seara se lasa, norii vin tot mai aproape, mai mai sa ne mangaie...
Nici caprele negre, care de fapt sunt maro, nu se lasa mai prejos...:D
 Salutam craiasa noptii...
Disparem in noapte....
Si ne inghesuim in refugiu...doar 5 dintre noi aleg sa doarma la cort...dar nu pentru mult timp, caci natura s-a gandit sa ne faca poze, folosind un blitz al naibii de puternic...Si ca sa fie sesiunea foto cat mai reusita si inedita, s-a gandit sa ne ude putin, putin mai mult si sa foloseasca efecte sonore sa intram in the mood...:))

Dupa o noapte furtunoasa, si la propriu si la figurat, ne trezim initial la ora 5, planul fiind sa strabatem poteca nebanuita a crestei sudice,zic nebanuita pentru ca de fiecare data cand vreau sa merg pe ea ploua, ca atare, nu am vazut-o...:)) sadic...
Daar, ne calmam repede si ne trezim pe la 8...
Pentru unii, pare-se ca noaptea a fost..lunga :))
Ne uitam in stanga si in dreapta, infulecam ceva si pornim la drum.
Poza de coboram.
Plecam, nu inainte de a ne lua la revederere, si-i promitem Craiului ca ne intoarcem la el, cat mai curand...

Per ansamblu a fost o tura interesanta, am invatat multe, printre care sa ma despart de durerea fizica si sa ma focusez asupra chestiunilor cu adevarat importante la acel moment, sa nu renunt... Si, in afara de asta, am avut parte de multe lucruri pentru prima oara: mi-am adus iubitu' pe creasta Craiului (a atarnat cam greu la gatul meu), am mers pe noapte fara frontale si ne-a prins furtuna pe creasta , noroc ca nu a fost pe timp de zi...

Desi tura a avut loc in perioada 23-25iulie, eu inca mai am urme la calcai....:))
*All rights reserved
Photographer: me
Models: marunteii
Tools: Canon EOS 450D+ Canon 24-105mm f/4
Free Counters
